What you can do to help?

There are many different actions that you can take to reduce your environmental impact, run a greener home, and live in a greener way.

Here are just a few greener living Top Tips to get you started on your sustainability journey:

Reduce, reuse, recycle

This could include avoiding single use plastics, cutting down on fast-fashion purchases, donating unwanted items to charity, or even just repairing things instead of chucking them away. Our partners at Durham County Council have some great information on rubbish and recycling, including what goes in which bin and how to cut down on your waste:

Durham County Council Durham County Council

Making changes to your home habits

This could include unplugging your devices when not in use, turning your heating down a few degrees, remembering to switch the lights off when you leave a room, or even just being that little bit quicker in the shower (ideally no more than 5 minutes). The Energy Saving Trust is a good way to find out more information about energy advice for your home:

Energy Saving Trust Energy Saving Trust

Supporting nature to help it thrive

This could include connecting more with your outdoor space, feeding your local birds, planting more native plant species, or even just gardening for wildlife. Durham Wildlife Trust has some great resources to learn more about wildlife and how you can help:

Durham Wildlife Trust Durham Wildlife Trust

Greener Livin

Find out how you can take steps towards living more sustainably in your new home.

Want to get involved?

Want to play a larger part in environmental sustainability? Find out how you can get involved to help us reduce emissions and limit our environmental impact.