Annual Report 2023/24

Alan Boddy

Chief Executive 

Last year, we faced economic uncertainty and cost-of-living challenges. However, this did not prevent us from focusing on our commitment to improving our repairs and maintenance service and introducing a range of innovative and customer-led service improvements. All of these designed to deliver you the highest service standards and customer experience, whilst also ensuring we meet the new regulatory standards which came into effect on 1 April 2024.

You will find more details of what we have achieved in each section of the report, but my personal highlights of the year include: setting up the InsightXchange tenant forum, to give more of you opportunities to get involved in scrutinising and influencing services; supporting hundreds of you to access unclaimed benefit entitlements, grants and jobs to help you with your finances during the cost-of-living crisis; and increasing our tenancy adviser visits to your homes to learn more about you and your family so we can better consider your needs in delivering our services.

During the year we have implemented many improvements in response to your feedback, which we value greatly. Examples of these are included in this report. 

In 2025 we will be launching the next phase of our business strategy, Plan A and we will be using your feedback and inviting your views throughout 2024 to ensure that our plans reflect what matters most to you, our tenants, residents and partner organisations.

Natalie Wilkinson

Chair of the InsightXChange

A message from Natalie Wilkinson, Chair of the InsightXChange

Last year was an exciting year as we extended the ways in which we engage with you, our tenants, in scrutinising services, shaping policy and influencing decisions on a range of issues that affect you and your home. I am incredibly proud of the work of the InsightXChange tenant forum which, during the year supported by Tpas (Tenant Participation Advisory Service), reviewed anti-social behaviour and repairs and maintenance, two vital services which were identified as being really important to you. 

I believe our approach to listening to your views and improving services based on these is second to none. To give you all a range of ways to give us your views, we offer a variety of options that are convenient, accessible and be done in a way that suits your needs and time available. This includes filling out on-line surveys, taking part in short, topic specific reviews, engaging in more detailed scrutiny reviews and attending  regular meetings with us.

It’s important to me that all of the proposals that are put forward for review are based on facts and customer data, and your experience of our services. This ensures suggestions for service improvements are meaningful to you and make a positive impact at the right time. Reporting back to you the impressive changes we have made based on your views and ‘closing the loop’ is very satisfying to me. This is an important part of the work we do, and I love hearing the impact of how your ideas are making lasting improvements on services for tenants and residents living in our communities. 

I’m very much looking forward to the year ahead including our next task, to review our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
