About Us
We are a local housing provider currently managing over 8,800 homes across County Durham. Our goal is to improve lives through sustainable home and places.
Who we are
We are an award winning not for profit housing association based in County Durham. We offer more than just a home. We help improve the lives of the people living in our homes and in our places.
We work hard to make sure those homes are high quality, sustainable and adaptable, while meeting your current and future aspirations. We offer support that help people into work and training and increases their financial confidence and stability.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
In 2023, the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) introduced a set of 22 performance measures to assess how you, our tenants, feel about us as your landlord and how you think we can improve.
Our first-year results have been verified by an independent auditor.
Financial Statements
We are pleased to present our reports together with the audited financial statements. The Strategic Reports have been prepared in accordance with the principles set out in paragraph 4.7 of the 2018 SORP for Registered Social Housing Providers.
Environmental, Social and Governance report
As a social housing provider we aim to make a difference to our communities and customers. We recognise the part we can play in decarbonisation and sustainability to create a better future for us all.
Annual report
Read and download our current and previous annual reports.
Our sustainability journey
We are committed to taking positive climate and ecological action through our Planet A Strategy. We are embedding environmental sustainability into all our operations to reduce our environmental impacts and carbon emissions.
North East Housing Partnership
We are delighted to be one of the 17 housing associations, local authorities and Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOs) coming together to achieve shared goals to improve communities and to deliver more social housing.
Our local offers
We worked with over 400 of our tenants to help shape five pledges known as local offers to improve services that are important to them.
Our leadership team
Our leadership team is made up of the Chief Executive, three Directors and two Executive Directors forming our Executive Management Team and report to the Board. Together, they oversee the day-to-day running of Livin to make sure we are achieving our vision to build a sustainable organisation that provides great homes and supports tenants to improve their lives.
Our Board
Our Board is supported by four committees: Housing and Communities, Finance and Investment, Audit and Risk, and HR and Remuneration. Together, the Committees review our effectiveness and recommend changes to the board that will help us improve.
Value for money
Find out how much our services cost, how they compare to other housing associations, how efficiencies are being made and how all of this contributes to providing quality homes, support and vibrant communities.
Value for money reports Value for money reportsGive us your feedback on our value for money strategy
Our Value for Money report is an annual assessment we undertake to assess how resources are being used and to ensure we provide the best services at the best prices.
Give us your feedback Give us your feedbackEquality, diversity and inclusion
As a landlord and an employer we provide services and offer employment opportunities equally to everyone.
Homes England Funding
We are delivering 521 new homes over the period 2023 to 2026 with funding secured from the Homes England funding Affordable Homes Programme, and publish quarterly reports here on all spend over £500 related to the development of these homes.
Our policies
Our employees follow policies and procedures to ensure that we provide you with a great customer experience and to demonstrate that we operate fairly, transparently and efficiently.
Roles and responsibilities
Find out senior level employees roles and responsibilities in relation to our services.
Come and work with us
We need people who are passionate about improving lives and communities, and are ready to be part of something special. If this is you, and you're ready for a career in social housing then we'd love to hear from you.
Our awards
We are proud to be an award-winning organisation. We have won various awards for our commitment to excellence both as a housing association and an employer.